API Reference

intake_solr.source.SOLRTableSource(query, …) Execute a query on SOLR, return as dataframe
intake_solr.source.SOLRSequenceSource(query, …) Execute a query on SOLR
class intake_solr.source.SOLRTableSource(query, base_url, core, qargs=None, metadata=None, auth=None, cert=None, zoocollection=False)[source]

Execute a query on SOLR, return as dataframe

query: str

Query to execute, in Lucene syntax, e.g., "*:*"

base_url: str

Connection on which to reach SOLR, including protocol (http), server, port and base path. If using Zookeeper, this should be the full comma-separated list of service:port/path elements.

core: str

Named segment of the SOLR storage to query

qargs: dict

Further parameters to pass with the query (e.g., highlighting)

metadata: dict

Additional information to associate with this source

auth: None, “kerberos” or (username, password)

Authentication to attach to requests

cert: str or None

Path to SSL certificate, if required

zoocollection: bool or str

If using Zookeeper to orchestrate SOLR, this is the name of the collection to connect to.


Returns a hvPlot object to provide a high-level plotting API.


Returns a hvPlot object to provide a high-level plotting API.


close() Close open resources corresponding to this data source.
discover() Open resource and populate the source attributes.
read() Load entire dataset into a container and return it
read_chunked() Return iterator over container fragments of data source
read_partition(i) Return a (offset_tuple, container) corresponding to i-th partition.
to_dask() Return a dask container for this data source
yaml() Return YAML representation of this data-source
class intake_solr.source.SOLRSequenceSource(query, base_url, core, qargs=None, metadata=None, auth=None, cert=None, zoocollection=False)[source]

Execute a query on SOLR

query: str

Query to execute, in Lucene syntax, e.g., "*:*"

base_url: str

Connection on which to reach SOLR, including protocol (http), server, port and base path. If using Zookeeper, this should be the full comma-separated list of service:port/path elements.

core: str

Named segment of the SOLR storage to query

qargs: dict

Further parameters to pass with the query (e.g., highlighting)

metadata: dict

Additional information to associate with this source

auth: None, “kerberos” or (username, password)

Authentication to attach to requests

cert: str or None

Path to SSL certificate, if required

zoocollection: bool or str

If using Zookeeper to orchestrate SOLR, this is the name of the collection to connect to.


Returns a hvPlot object to provide a high-level plotting API.


Returns a hvPlot object to provide a high-level plotting API.


close() Close open resources corresponding to this data source.
discover() Open resource and populate the source attributes.
read() Load entire dataset into a container and return it
read_chunked() Return iterator over container fragments of data source
read_partition(i) Return a (offset_tuple, container) corresponding to i-th partition.
to_dask() Return a dask container for this data source
yaml() Return YAML representation of this data-source